The Gaskell Recreation Ground is a registered Charity (1116940).
The Town Council is the trustee of the Charity along with Chris Bowden and Tim Motley who represent Wenlock Estates.
The Ground was previously managed by the Gaskell Recreation Ground Board of Management which decided on any matter concerning the use, maintenance, alteration or improvement of the Ground. The Board was dissolved on 18th December 2014 and its remit has now been subsumed into the Charity. The Charity has established a Management Committee which is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Ground.  Further information from these meetings can be found here
The Chairman is David Fenwick:
The Secretary and Treasurer is Lorna Dexter:
01952 727509
Here is the Gaskell Ground Management Plan
Here is the charity’s Constitution
Here is the charity’s Policy
Here is a Business Plan developed by Pleydell Smithyman following a consultation carried out in 2009 business-plan_december-2010
Here is the  Consultation review August 2009