Wednesday, 10th July 2019 at the Priory Hall Drop in from 6.30pm - 8.30pm.  Presentation at 7.30pm. Come along to find out how you can prepare and what to do in the event of a...
New Fence for Corn Exchange Car Park
Town Councillors would like to express their thanks to Grange Fencing Ltd, who have generously sponsored the new fencing for the car park at the rear of the Corn Exchange. The old fence had...
Mayor Making 2019
The Annual Mayor Making ceremony was held on Thursday, 2nd May at The Guildhall. Â Councillor Graham Edgcumbe-Venning's term of office as Mayor came to an end and Councillor Bert Harper was elected...
New Trees at Cemetery
Two new trees have recently been planted at Much Wenlock Cemetery. These have replaced the cherry trees with rotten limbs which were next to the highway. The new trees are a purple flowering...
Annual Town Meeting
The Annual Town Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 12 March at 7.30pm until 9.00pm at The Priory Hall, Much Wenlock. This is a meeting of the electors of the parish. The agenda includes reports...