An extraordinary meeting of Much Wenlock Town Council will be held on Thursday, 15th August at 7.00pm at the Guildhall. Â The main business of the meeting will be to consider the Council’s response to Shropshire Council’s Strategic Sites Consultation, with specific reference to development of the Ironbridge Power Station site.
Members of the public will have the opportunity to offer their views and make representations at the meeting during the public session. Â On this occasion, at the Chairman’s discretion, it will not be necessary to give prior notice of your wish to speak.
The proposed development of the Power Station site will have a significant impact on all surrounding towns and villages and members of the community are encouraged to attend the meeting to make their views known to the Town Council.
Residents are also urged to respond to the consultation directly to Shropshire Council by the deadline of 9th September 2019. Â The documents are available to view in Much Wenlock Library or on the Shropshire Council website: