This website is designed to provide information about the Town Council’s activities and the services it provides, and information is available in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. The contents of this website are owned by the Council and material on this website may not be:
- Copied
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in any way except for personal non-commercial home use unless with prior written permission of the Town Council.
The information provided on this website should only be used for lawful purposes and should not infringe the rights of or restrict or inhibit others’ use.
Whilst we take great care in providing accurate information the Town Council cannot guarantee that the information provided is error free.
By using this website, you agree to these Terms and Conditions.
Any known or suspected breach of these terms and conditions and possible breach of copyright should be brought to the notice of the proper officer of the Town Council, the Town Clerk, as soon as possible, who will act accordingly in bringing the matter to the notice of the Town Council.
As a public body Much Wenlock Town Council provides a wide variety of local services and, in doing so, collects personal data in various forms. We are aware of our responsibilities in how we process personal information and how it is used.  You have the right to request any information we hold about you and you also have the right to complain to our Data Protection Officer if you are not happy with the way we have handled your data.
Full details of how we process personal information can be found in our Privacy notice