Town Council Supporting Documents

Town Council Supporting Documents

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Town Council meeting 11th July 2024

Supporting Papers Town Council Meeting 11 July 2024

Town Council meeting 13th June 2024

Supporting Papers Full Council 13th June 2024

Town Council meeting 16th May 2024

Supporting Papers 16th May 2024

Town Council meeting 11th April 2024

Supporting Papers Town Council meeting 11th April 2024

Town Council meeting 7th March 2024

Supporting Papers Town Council Meeting 7th March 2024

Town Council meeting 8th February 2024

Supporting Papers Full Council 8th Feb 2024

Town Council meeting 11th January 2024

6 Police Update 03.01.24

8a Draft Minutes 7th December 2023

8b Planning Minutes 7 November 2023

8c HR Committee minutes 21st November 2023

17a SC Budget Consultation 2024-25

17b SC Review of changes to parish council boundaries

Town Council meeting 7th December 2023

6a Police Update 01.12.23

6b Email re 2023 PCC survey results

14a Windmill Hill Much Wenlock Town Council

16a High Street Road Closure Jan – Feb 2024

17a Stretton Road Drainage Closure

19 Visit Shropshire Presentation

Town Council meeting 9th November 2023

Supporting Papers Town Council Meeting 9th Nov 2023

Town Council meeting 5th October 2023

Supporting Papers Town Council Meeting 5th October 2023

Town Council meeting 7th September 2023

Supporting Papers Town Council Meeting 7th Sept 2023

Town Council meeting 6th July 2023

Supporting Papers Town Council Meeting 6th July 2023

Town Council meeting 8th June 2023

Supporting Papers Full Council 8th June 2023

Town Council meeting 6th April 2023

Supporting Papers Town Council Meeting 6th April 2023

Town Council meeting 2nd March 2023

Supporting Papers Town Council Meeting 2nd March 2023

6a Police Update 01.03.23

21 Shropshire Destination Mgt Plan 2023-25

Town Council meeting 2nd February 2023

Supporting Papers Town Council Meeting 2nd Feb 2023

6 Police Update 26.01.23

9 Town Clerk’s report Feb 2023

13d Windmill Hill LNR Location Plan draft v1

13d Windmill Hill Local Nature Reserve draft v1

Town Council meeting 5th January 2023

Supporting Papers Town Council Meeting 05.01.23

Town Council meeting 1st December 2022

Supporting Papers Town Council Meeting 1st Dec 2022

Town Council meeting 3rd November 2022

Town Council meeting 3rd Nov 2022 Supporting Papers

Town Council meeting 6th October 2022

Town Council meeting 6th Oct 2022 Supporting Papers

Town Council meeting 8th September 2022

Supporting Papers Town Council meeting 8th Sept 2022

23a Draft Empty Homes Strategy for Consultation July 2022

23b Shropshire pharmaceutical needs assessment 2022-23

Town Council meeting 9th June 2022

Town Council meeting 9th June 2022 supporting papers

16a Shropshire Draft Library Strategy 2022-27

16b Draft SC housing allocations policy May 2022

Town Council meeting 12th May 2022

Supporting Papers 12th May 2022

Town Council meeting 7th April 2022

Supporting Papers Full Council Meeting 7th April 2022

6 Police Report 06.04.22

14 CIL Briefing Presentation Slides – E West 23.03.22

Town Council meeting 3rd March 2022

Supporting Papers Full Council Meeting 3rd March 2022

6 Police Update to Much Wenlock Town Council 02:03:22

Town Council meeting 3rd February 2022

Supporting Papers Full Council Meeting 03.02.22

6 Police Update 02.02.22

Town Council meeting 13th January 2022

Supporting Papers MW Council Meeting 13 Jan 2022

6a Police Update 09.01.22

Town Council meeting 2nd December 2021

Supporting Papers for MW Town Council meeting 2nd December 2021

6 Police Report 01.12.21

15b DEFRA Consultation Document

Town Council meeting 4th November 2021

Supporting Papers – Full Council meeting 04.11.21

Town Council meeting 7th October 2021

Supporting Papers – Full Council meeting 07.10.21

20b Health & Wellbeing Draft Strategy 2022-27

Town Council meeting 2nd September 2021

Full Council 02.09.21 Supporting Papers

6 Police Update 01.09.21

18b PCC Safer West Mercia Plan August 2021

Town Council meeting 8th July 2021

Full Council Meeting Supporting Papers 8th July 2021

Town Council meeting 24th June 2021

Full Council Meeting 24th June 2021 – Supporting Papers

Town Council meeting 3rd June 2021

Supporting Documents Full Council Meeting 3rd June 2021

Town Council meeting 20th May 2021

Supporting Documents 20th May 2021

Town Council meeting 15th April 2021

6a Sgt Oen Intro Letter

8a Draft Minutes 4 March 2021

8b Planning minutes 2nd February 2021

8c Finance, Asset, HR minutes 26 Jan 2021

9 Town Clerk’s report April 2021

11b Report on arrangements for May meeting

12bi Standing Orders for review

12bii Financial Regs for review

12biii Complaints procedure

12biv Publication Scheme for review

12bv Communications and Media Policy for review

18a Shropshire’s Great Outdoors Survey

Town Council meeting 4th March 2021

8a Draft Minutes 4 February 2021

8b Planning minutes 12th Jan 2021

9 Town Clerk’s report Mar 2021

16 PRESENTATION COUNCIL achieving plastic free status for much wenlock HOW DO we DO THIS[1]

20a SALC survey email 15.02.21

Town Council meeting 4th February 2021

8a Draft Minutes 14 January 2021

8b Planning minutes 1 December 2020

8c Finance, Asset, HR minutes 24 November 2020

9 Town Clerk’s report Feb 2021

10 Financial Risk Assessment for approval Jan 2021

11 Transport Group Report Feb 2021

Town Council meeting 14th January 2021

6 Police Update to Much Wenlock Town Council 5 Jan 21

7 Shrops Climate Action Partnership – A Call to Action 31.12.20.pdf

9a Draft Minutes 3 December 2020

9b Planning minutes 3 November 2020

10 Town Clerk’s report Jan 2021

12b Email re Local Plan Reg 19 Consultation

17 High Sheriff Young Citizen Awards 2021.pdf

18a SC Budget Consultation 2021-22

Town Council meeting 5th November 2020

Town Council meeting 8th October 2020

8a Draft Minutes 3 September 2020

8b Planning minutes 28 July 2020

8c Finance, Asset, HR minutes 21 July 2020

11aWebsite Accessibility Requirements NALC Guide

11b Website Accessibility – Action Plan

19a Leisure Facilities Consultation overview

19a SC Leisure Facilities Strategy Summary 2019-2038

19a Leisure Facilities Strategy Survey

Town Council meeting 3rd September 2020

7a Draft Minutes 2 July 2020

7b Draft Minutes Extra 20 August 2020

7c Planning minutes 2 June 2020

7d Planning minutes 30 June 2020

8 Town Clerk’s report Sept 2020

9 Letter re Market Town Grant 20 Aug 2020

11a Local Plan Appendix 6 Employment

11a Local Plan Map Much Wenlock

11a MW Section of Local Plan

11a MWNDP Appendix 2 Employment Land

11a MWNDP Objective 2

11a MWNDP Plan 2

11a SP11 Delivering Sustainable Economic Growth

11b Power Station section of Local Plan

11b Ironbridge Power Station – Strategic Sites Assessment Stage 2b

11b Ironbridge Power Station Strategic Sites assessment stage 3

11b Local Plan – Letters re Black Country

11b Local Plan – Preferred Strategic Sites

12a Email from PCC re survey 22 July 2020


12b Shrops Fire & Rescue consultation letter[1]

14g Apley Plan letter

Extraordinary Town Council meeting 20th August 2020

7 Draft Local Plan – Briefing Paper July 2020

7a Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan

7b Power Station Section of Local Plan

7d MW Section of Local Plan

7d Local Plan Map Much Wenlock

Much Wenlock Housing Figures and Completions

Town Council meeting 2nd July 2020

7a Draft Minutes 4 June 2020

7b Planning minutes 3 March 2020

8 Town Clerk’s report July 2020

14a Income and Expenditure to 31 March 2020

14c 2020 Year End Bank & Cash reconciliation

15b-c AGAR 2019-20

15d explanation-of-variances-2019-20 Final

15e Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020

16 Charity Accounts 2019-20

18a LGA Model Member Code of Conduct

18a LGA_Consultation_on_Draft_Model_Member_Code_of_Conduct

Town Council meeting 4th June 2020

11 Draft Minutes ATCM 7 May 2020

12 Town Clerk’s report June 2020

13a Planning Committee ToR May 2017

13b Finance & Asset Mgt & HR Committee ToR June 2019

16a Friends of the cemeteryToR May 2019

16b History WG ToR MAY 2019

16c Media Marketing and Tourism WG ToR June 2018

16d 10 High Street Working Group TofR Jun 2020

16e Housing Needs Working Group TofR March 2019

16f Grounds Maintenance & Property Maintenance Working Group TofR June 2020

17a Amended Standing Orders 2020

17b Amended Financial Regs 2020

17c Complaints procedure

17d Publication Scheme May 2019

17e General Privacy Notice

17f Privacy notice for staff and councillors

22b Ironbridge Newsletter May 2020[2]

Town Council meeting 7th May 2020

8a Draft-Minutes-5-March-2020

8b Planning-minutes-4-Feb-2020

9 Town Clerk’s report May 2020

12 Schedule of meetings 2020-2021

Town Council meeting 5th March 2020

12a Draft Minutes 6 Feb 2020

12b Planning minutes 7 Jan 2020

13 Town Clerk’s report Feb 2020

Town Council meeting 6 February 2020

7  Ironbridge Power Station Development Plans

8a Draft Minutes 9 January 2020

8b Planning minutes 3 Dec 2019

8c Finance, Asset, HR minutes 26 Nov 2019

10 Town Clerk’s report Feb 2020

Town Council meeting 9 January 2020

7a Draft Minutes 5 Dec 2019

7b Planning minutes 5 Nov 2019

8 Town Clerk’s report Jan 2020

Town Council meeting 5 December 2019

10 Communications and Media Policy May 2019

11a Draft Minutes 7 Nov 2019

11b Planning minutes 1 Oct 2019

11c Finance, Asset, HR minutes 22 Oct 2019

13 Town Clerk’s report Dec 2019

16b Telephone Kiosk Adoption FAQs

Town Council meeting 7 November 2019

8a Draft Minutes 3 Oct 2019

9 Town Clerk’s report Nov 2019

Town Council meeting 3 October 2019

8a Draft Minutes 5 September 2019

8a Draft Minutes 5 September 2019 Extra

9 AGAR S3 2018-2019

10 Town Clerks Report

16a Ironbridge Power Station Q and A Sept 2019

17a Shropshire Youth Association info re SC Youth support consultation 2019 – current

17a SC Youth support consultation 2019 – current

17a Youth Strategy Survey

17b Post 19 travel Stakeholders Consultation Letter

17b Shropshire post 19 travel assistance policy

17c Parking strategy consulation September 2019


Town Council meeting 5 September 2019

7a Draft Minutes 4 July 2019

7b Draft Minutes 15 August 2019 Extra

8 Town Clerk’s report Sept 2019

17 SALC AGM-Programme

17 SALC AGM Agenda

19 Shropshire Fire Service email 30.7.19

19 Shropshire Fire Judicial Review Press Release – 29 July 2019

Extraordinary Town Council meeting 15 August 2019

15 August 2019  – Supporting Documents – Habitats regulations assessment screening summary

15 August 2019  – Supporting Documents – SC strategic sites consultation

15 August 2019 Extra – Supporting Documents – SC sustainability appraisal summary

15 August 2019 – Supporting Documents- SC strategic sites consultation questionnaire

Town Council meeting 4 July 2019

7 Draft Minutes 6 June 2019

8 Town Clerk’s report July 2019

16 Road Safety Campaign email 12 June 2019

17 Town and Parish Council Survey Letter May 2019

18 Notice of Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations 2019

19 VE Day Celebrations Letter May 2019

Town Council meeting 6 June 2019

7a Draft Minutes ATCM 9 May 2019

8 Town Clerk’s report June 2019

9 Future High Streets Fund

11 Financial Regs amended 2019

12 TOR Finance, Asset Mgt & HR Committee June 2019

13 Barclays Bank Working Group TofR June 2019


Town Council meeting 4 April 2019

8a Draft Minutes 7 March 2019

9 Locum Town Clerk’s report April 2019

15a SC Public Transport consultation letter Mar 2019

15b SC Consultation Residential and Nursing Beds Commissioning

15c SC Consultation Travel assistance for SEND


Town Council meeting 7 March 2019

7a Draft Minutes 7 February 2019

7b Planning minutes 8 January 2019

7c Finance minutes 29 Jan 2019

8 Town Clerk report

11 Annual TOWN Meeting AGENDA 12 March 2019

12b Housing Needs Working Group Feb 2019

13 Total CIL Collected 2012-2018 by parish

15 Dementia Support Group


Council meeting 7 February 2019

8a Draft Minutes 10 January 2019

8b Draft Minutes Extra 17 January 2019

8c Planning minutes 4 December 2018

8d Finance minutes 27 Nov 2018

9 Town Clerk report

12a Press Release – Final Decision on future of local hospital services 29.01.19

12b Letter from Cllr S Davies T&W to Sec of State re Future Fit 300119


Council meeting 10 January 2019

8a Draft Minutes 6 December 2018

9 Town Clerk report

14a SC Bring-Bank Consultation

14b PCC Budget Consultation Article




Much Wenlock Neighbourhood Plan Review

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