A group of volunteers meet regularly at the cemetery to help maintain the natural beauty within the grounds. They welcome anyone who is interested in joining the group. Please contact the Town Clerk for more details: Telephone (01952) 727509 or email townclerk@muchwenlock-tc.gov.uk
Friends of the cemetery ToR approved May 2024
Thank you to Caring for God’s Acre who visited our cemetery recently and, amongst other tasks, trimmed back the ivy which was overhanging the public pavement on the Bridgnorth Road, and cleaned up the fallen leaves.
Thank you to Newport Men’s Shed who have made another notice board for community information.
Caring for God’s Acre scything the wild flower meadow (9 August 2017)
We are extremely grateful to the Men in Sheds who have made and installed new notice boards in the cemetery.
These markers have been made by children at Much Wenlock Primary School.
Bee hotels and bug houses made by the Newport Men in Sheds have been installed by the Caring for God’s Acre Team and the Shropshire Volunteer Crew. The Town Council is very grateful to the people who are working hard to make improvements to the cemetery. Thank you.
   Bee hotel
Bug house
One of Shropshire’s Wild Teams helping to water trees
newly planted by the Caring for God’s Acre workers
on a hot day on 24 May 2017.