Street lighting

Street lighting

Report a faulty street light: 01952 727509

Please provide us with as much information as you can in order to help us locate the problem.

Please note: due to part-night lighting being implemented in Shropshire, some street lights in Much Wenlock will not be activated during the hours of midnight to 5.30am. Following the clocks going forward in March or back in October, it can take up to two weeks for the timing mechanism within the lamp posts to reset. During this time, the street lights may be operating slightly earlier or later than expected. You don’t need to report this as it will correct itself.

Faults with street lights are usually caused by the failure of the lamp or another electrical component. They can also be caused by the failure of the electrical supply, vandalism or accident damage.

What information do we need?

It’ll help us respond to the fault if you have the following information to hand:

  • name of the road the street light illuminates
  • lamp number – located on a label fixed to the lamp column
  • location – eg outside houses 62/44, or opposite etc
  • type of fault – eg not lit, on all day, flashing on and off, flickering, very dim etc

While the majority of lights in Much Wenlock are the Town Council’s responsibility, some are maintained by Shropshire Council. If this is the case we’ll pass the report on for you.


For further information please contact the Town Clerk:

Trudi Barrett BA (Hons)

