Finance & Asset Management Committee Meetings Supporting Documents

Finance & Asset Management Committee Meetings Supporting Documents

Please see our Publication Scheme May 2023 for details about how you can obtain information from the Town Council.  Information requested by email and dispatched by email is free of charge.

Supporting documents for 23 July 2024

6 Draft Finance & Asset Cttee minutes 21st May 2024

Town Clerk’s Report July 2024

8a Financial report June 2024

Supporting documents for 21 May 2024

4 Draft Finance & Asset Cttee minutes 19th March 2024

5 Town Clerk’s Report May 2024

6a Financial report April 2024

7 Membership Subscription for the Rural Market Town Group

Supporting documents for 19 March 2024

4 Draft Finance & Asset Cttee minutes 23rd January 2024

6a Financial report February 2024

8 Financial Risk Assessment Draft March 2024

12 Proposed Cemetery Fees 2024

14 Part Night Lighting Review (March 2024)

14 Part night lighting – SC Exclusion Criteria

Supporting documents for 24 January 2024

5 Town Clerk’s Report 2024

4 Draft Finance & Asset Cttee minutes extra 7th December 2023

6a Financial report December 2023

Supporting documents for 21 November 2023

5 Town Clerk’s Report 2023

4 Draft Finance & Asset Cttee minutes Final 24 October 2023

6a Financial report November 2023

Supporting documents for 24 October 2023

4 Draft Finance & Asset Cttee minutes 26 September 2023

5 Town Clerk’s Report October 2023

6a Financial report October 2023

10 Grants policy 2023

Supporting documents for 26 September 2023

7 Town Clerk’s Report September 2023

6 Draft Finance & Asset Cttee minutes 25 July 2023

8a Financial report September 2023

11 T3351 – Much Wenlock Cemetery – Tree Safety Report – 2023 – JS[27929]

Supporting documents for 25 July 2023

4 Draft Finance & Asset Cttee minutes 23 May 2023

5 Town Clerk’s July Report

6a Financial report June 2023

7 Investment Strategy (draft)

8 Grants policy (Draft Revision)

10 Finance Documents for Destruction

Supporting documents for 23 May 2023

6 Draft Finance & Asset Cttee minutes 21 March 2023

8a Financial report April 2023

10 Internal Audit Report 2023

14 Rural Market Town Group membership

16 War graves signs

Supporting documents for 21 March 2023

4 Draft Finance & Asset Cttee minutes 24 January 2023

5 Town Clerk’s Report March 2023

6a Financial report February 2023

7 Reserves-Virements

8 Town Council Banking Arrangements

8 PSDF Factsheet

8 PSDF Letter 2023

12 Proposed Cemetery Fees 2023

Supporting documents for 24 January 2023

4 Draft Finance & Asset Cttee minutes 22 November 2022

5 Town Clerk’s Report Jan 2023

6a Financial report January 2023

7 Interim Internal Audit Report 16.01.23 for 2022-3

8 Financial Risk Assessment January 2023

9 Gate brackets on exterior of Corn Exchange

Supporting documents for 22 November 2022

4 Draft Finance & Asset Cttee minutes 26 October 2022

5 Town Clerk’s Report Nov 2022

6a Financial report November 2022

Supporting documents for 26 October 2022

4 Draft Finance & Asset Cttee minutes 27 September 2022

5 Town Clerk’s Report Oct 2022

6a Financial report October 2022

11a Old cemetery man plan final draft

Supporting documents for 27 September 2022

4 Draft Finance & Asset Cttee minutes 26 July 2022

5 Town Clerk’s Report Sept 2022

6a Financial report September 2022

10a Old cemetery man plan final draft[1]

10b cemetery map drawing planting plan[1]

Supporting documents for 24 May 2022

6 Draft Finance & Asset Cttee minutes 22 March 2022

7 Town Clerk’s Report March 2022

8a Financial report May 2022

9 Internal Audit report 2022 – final

14 Barrow PC defib request

Supporting documents for 22 March 2022

4 Draft Finance, Asset, HR minutes 20 Jan 2022

5 Town Clerk’s Report March 2022

6a Financial report March 2022

7 Interim Internal Audit report Jan 2022

9 Financial Risk Assessment March 2022 (Draft)

11 Proposed Cemetery Fees 2022

14 SC New Library Strategy

Supporting documents for 20 January 2022

4 Draft Finance & Asset Mgt minutes 23 Nov 2021

5 Town Clerk’s Report Nov 2021

6a Financial report January 2022

8 Cemetery map drawing planting plan[4]

8 Costings for tree planting scheme at Old Cemetery 2022[2]

Supporting documents for 23 November 2021

4 Draft Finance & Asset Mgt minutes 19 Oct 2021

5 Town Clerk’s Report Nov 2021

6a Financial report November 2021

Supporting documents for 19 October 2021

4 Draft Finance & Asset Mgt minutes 21 Sept 2021

5 Town Clerk’s Report Oct 2021

6a Financial report October 2021

Supporting documents for 21 September 2021

4 Draft Finance & Asset Mgt minutes 20 July 2021

5 Town Clerk’s Report Sept 2021

6a Financial report September 2021

14 Property Working Group TofR Draft Sept 2021

Supporting documents for 20 July 2021

6 Draft Finance, Asset, HR minutes 23 Mar 2021

7 Town Clerk’s Report July 2021

8a Financial report July 2021

9a Neighbourhood Fund Allocation April 2021

9a Total NF CIL collected 2012-2020

Supporting documents for 26 January 2021

4 Draft Finance, Asset, HR minutes 24 November 2020

5 Town Clerk’s Report Nov 2020

6a Financial report December 2020

7 Financial Risk Assessment for approval Jan 2021

Supporting documents for 24 November 2020

4 Draft Finance, Asset, HR minutes 20 October 2020

5 Town Clerk’s Report Nov 2020

6a Financial report October 2020

Supporting documents for 20 October 2020

4 Draft Finance, Asset, HR minutes 29 September 2020

5 Town Clerk’s Report Oct 2020

6a Financial report September 2020

Supporting documents for 29 September 2020

4 Draft Finance, Asset, HR minutes 21 July 2020

5 Town Clerk’s Report Sept 2020

6a Financial report August 2020

15 The Square – benches

Supporting documents for 21 July 2020

6 Draft Finance, Asset, HR minutes 28 Jan 2020

7 Town Clerk’s Report July 2020

8a Financial report June 2020

10 Report – ipad for Guildhall

12 The Square – benches

Supporting documents for 28 January 2020

4 Draft Finance, Asset, HR minutes 26 Nov 2019

5 Town Clerk’s Report Jan 2020

6a Financial report January 2020

Supporting documents for 26 November 2019

4 Draft Finance, Asset, HR minutes 22 Oct 2019

5 Town Clerk’s Report Nov 2019

6a Financial report November 2019

Supporting documents for 22 October 2019

4 Draft Finance, Asset, HR minutes 26 Sept 2019

5 Town Clerk’s Report Oct 2019

6a Financial report Oct 2019

Supporting documents for 26 September 2019

4 Draft Finance, Asset, HR minutes 23 July 2019

5 Town Clerk’s Report Sept 2019

6a Financial report September 2019

12 The Square – benches Sept 2019

Supporting documents for 21 May 2019

7 Town Clerk’s Report May 2019

Supporting documents for 23 April 2019

6 Locum Town Clerk’s Report April 2019

7a Financial report March 2019

Supporting documents for 29 January 2019

6 Locum Town Clerk report Jan 2019



Much Wenlock Neighbourhood Plan Review

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