Download a copy of the map HERE
Here you will find stories, songs and poems about points of interest around Much Wenlock.
You can listen to each audio as you find the places around the town or listen to a running audio here:
Every Story, Song and Poem links back to the Guildhall, from the formation of the limestone for its walls, the growth of the oak for its timbers, to its functions in authority and commerce for and with the community.
Can you hear time talking to you?
What can you say back about this place?
Can you make it into a story, a poem, a song?
If you want to record it in writing or voice we would love to hear from you.
If you would like a transcript of the Map audio file please click HERE
The Guildhall Â
Audio: Wenlock tune with inscription – Simone Gilliatt & Mike Rust on Nickelharper
Audio: You – Â Simone Gilliatt
The ButtermarketÂ
Audio: Market – Simone Gilliatt & Pippa Stallion
For more information on the Guildhall and Buttermarket take a look at the exhibits, read the Guildhall leaflet and talk to the custodians who love the building they work in and its rich history.
St Milburga’s Well
Visit the museum and find out why William Penny Brookes started his health scheme that led to the modern-day Olympics. You can even follow the Olympian Trail all around the town – flyers are available from the Guildhall and Much Wenlock Museum.
Audio: Saint Milburga’s Well – Suzanne Thomas
Audio: Worship, War & Water – Jo Jukes, Finding Beauty, A Year of Nature Outside Your Door
Audio: Water – Jo Jukes & Rick Wilson
Methodist Church
Audio: Much Wenlock Devil part 1 – Mike Rust
Gaskell Recreation Ground
The Gaskell Recreation Ground leads off onto wooded pathways and is home to many beautiful trees including Oaks, the material from which the Guildhall structure was originally made. The environment around Much Wenlock tells the stories of more than just the human inhabitants and we encourage you to walk around, take time to sit, look, listen and play amongst this abundant nature.
Audio: Wenlock Edge – Jo Jukes, Finding Beauty, A Year of Nature Outside Your Door
Audio: Imbolc – Jo Jukes & Rick Wilson
Audio: Umbilicus – Â Andy Jukes
Holy Trinity Church
Audio: Holy Trinity Church – Suzanne Thomas
Audio: Stones hold Stories – Jo Jukes, Finding Beauty, A Year of Nature Outside Your Door
Look out for the Ridley brass memorial in the church. There is a flyer and display all about it at The Guildhall explaining how the Ridleys affected the town.
If you want to learn more about the stones and buildings of Much Wenlock you can follow the Walls of Shell and Sand trail, leaflet is available from the Museum.
Audio: Much Wenlock Devil part 2 – Mike Rust
Audio: Abbeyfields – Suzanne Thomas
Audio: And I Shall Go Unto The Hare – Jo Jukes & Rick Wilson
Every Story, Song and Poem links back to the Guildhall, from the formation of the limestone for its walls, the growth of the oak for its timbers, to its functions in authority and commerce for and with the community.
Can you hear time talking to you?
What can you say back about this place?
Can you make it into a story, a poem, a song?
If you want to record it in writing or voice, we would love to hear from you.
Email or hand your creations over to the custodians in the Guildhall.
We would be really grateful if you could fill in this short survey about the Guildhall to help us with our plans for its future use and development.Â
The following resources were used during creation of the Guildhall Trail and may be of interest for further reading or listening:
Vivien Bellamy’s book ‘A History of Much Wenlock’ is a treasure trove of facts about Wenlock’s past and is available to buy in the Guildhall.
For more stories and information about St Milburga, and other amazing tales of Wenlock Edge and beyond, ‘Folk Tales of Shropshire’ by Amy Douglas is available to purchase in the Guildhall.
Jo Jukes’ book ‘Finding Beauty, A Year of Nature Outside Your Door’ is available from the Guildhall, Much Wenlock Museum or online at
Jo Jukes’ albums ‘Weaving the World’ and ‘The Ancestor in Me’ can be found on band camp at
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